Brisbenas (Kvinslando valstija)
Brisbene (Kvinslando valstijos sostinė, 2 mln. gyv.) yra nedideli Lietuvių namai (49 Gladstone Rd, Highgate Hill). Tai tradicinis kvynslendietiškas pastatas, stovintis ant tvorele apkaltų polių - tačiau dabar jo pirmas aukštas apmūrytas plytomis ir panaudotas patalpoms.
Brisbeno lietuvių namai (klubas) iš šono. ©Augustinas Žemaitis.
Iš išorės lietuviškų ženklų nedaug (tik užrašas "Lietuvių bendruomenė" / "Lithuanian community"), viduje yra lietuviškos atributikos, salė. Renkamasi ne kiekvieną savaitgalį, salė nuomojama ir ne lietuvių renginiams.
Brisbeno lietuvių namai su matomu užrašu 'Lietuvių bendruomenė' trispalviame fone. ©Augustinas Žemaitis.

Lietuvių namų vidus šventės metu
liepos 25th, 2016 - 01:15
I used to frequent the first Lithuanian House at South Brisbane that Father Doctor Petras Bacinskas bought on his arrival in Brisbane,He wrote to me in South Paulo that he had traded the first “LN”for this house above in a profitable manner,When I left Australia in Dezember 1975 I was Vice President of the Brisbane Lithuanian Community.GOD BLESS!
spalio 11th, 2024 - 07:46
Hi Vitas
Our family also frequented the Lithuanian house on Montague Road. We later went to the next one at Highgate Hill. We retired to Bundaberg in 2005 but I have been back for my father in laws memorial. Sadly the community has changed so much and the lovely feel of the home is now so different. I prefer to remember when the community was just that “a community “
rugsėjo 6th, 2017 - 13:14
would someone please take the time to ring me on 0438664865 as I need to speak to someone like your president about a urgent matter concerning a lovely lady how is a Lithuanian living in East Brisbane & is in some dire trouble / or you can email me on – . I would appreciate a phone call from your president though as its very important
rugsėjo 6th, 2017 - 14:55
This is not a website of the Brisbane Lithuanian community. It is rather a website about the Lithuanian locations abroad. We are not related anyhow to the Brisbane Lithuanian community.