Peterborough, England
Currently, Peterborough is the most Lithuanian city in the UK among those with 100 000+ inhabitants, with up to 5% of its population Lithuania-born and even larger number ethnic Lithuanians. This community is nearly all recent immigrants, however.

A Lithuanian restaurant in Peterborough

Interior of a Lithuanian restaurant "Kaimas" in Peterborough
While only a few Lithuanians lived in Peterborough before the 1990s (~20 in 1970), their deeds in “loving Lithuania from abroad“ greatly inspired the more active “new” Peterborough Lithuanians. Their „Švyturys“ organization ensured that the home of Steponas Bronius Vaitkevičius (1922-2017) would be marked by a commemorative plaque after his death. S. B. Vaitkevičius used to lead Lithuanian scout camps and write articles for the Lithuanian diaspora press, something quite common among the DP Lithuanians but inspiring to the post-1990 immigrants who left a post-Soviet Lithuania where patriotism had been uprooted. The “new Lithuanians” thus campaigned for Vaitkevičius to be awarded the Lithuanian Diplomatic Star and the Peterborough Civic Awards. The plaque was installed in 2018 and it is located at 325 Eastfield Road.

Steponas Vaitkevičius plaque in Peterborough
Due to the sheer number of Lithuanians, Peterborough has a huge density of Lithuanian businesses, including shops and restaurants. Lithuanian language and symbols are also often used among the select few when something is aimed at the immigrants (e.g. exotic goods shops).

Lithuanian flag is one of the four flags used on the sign of this aimed-at-immigrants shop
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