Global True Lithuania Encyclopedia of Lithuanian heritage worldwide

Brisbane, Queensland

Brisbane (the capital city of Queensland, Australia, pop. 2 million) has a small Lithuanian house (49 Gladstone Rd, Highgate hill). It is a vernacular architecture building known as "Queenslander", raised above ground to help it withstand the challenges of nature (flooding, termites, uneven ground). However unlike in traditional Queenslanders, the ground floor is now converted into rooms.

Brisbane Lithuanian house (club) from its backside. ©Augustinas Žemaitis.

There are few Lithuanian signs in the exterior (one sign says "Lithuanian community"). The interior holds Lithuanian memorabilia and meeting hall. The hall hosts less-than-weekly Lithuanian meetings and may be rented out at other times.

Brisbane Lithuanian house (club) with the tricolor sign Lithuanian community visble. ©Augustinas Žemaitis.

Lithuanian House interior during an event

Lithuanian House interior during an event

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